Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Watch list for my friends

I have compiled a list of YouTube videos that I think are a good starting point for anyone looking to begin to understand the amount and type of change that has been taking place. These are all parts of a greater whole. Some of these are going to push your limits emotionally, spiritually, maybe even in your patience with me! But please be patient. Please reflect on these topics. Most of all do your own research. Don't take my word (or Naomi's, or Peter's, or John's, or Jim's) for it, take a look for yourselves. I am not doing this because I want to, but I feel that I have to. I feel we need to all work together to fix the issues confronting our planet. Once the area of the issue is outlined we should be able to have a better dialogue about solutions. Some of these are 30-60 minutes, so take your time working through the list. Please comment below about what you think.

Love and Peace


We will have to start with Jim Rogers. He is a funny, stubborn old guy...but you gotta love the bow-tie! Jim is a self made Billionaire, and knows a thing or 2 about markets. I believe this talk was to business leaders at and ABN-AMRO conference. Smart guy giving it to you straight about the Federal Reserve:

Next up is Peter Schiff. He is the President of Euro Pacific Capital. He has been talking to anyone who will listen that things were going south FAST! Here is a video that has over 800K views on YouTube, and is a montage of clips from 1-2 years ago when people were telling him he was an idiot. A side benefit is that most of the clips are from Fox Business News-pound for pound the worst news outlet in the world. (I think I just lost 5 IQ points typing their name) Google/YouTube search his name for a lot of great truth about the current market situation, and what you can do about it.

I am going to move into something that starts to blur the lines between economics and politics a bit. This is Naomi Klein. She is author of the Shock Doctrine and No Logo. This talk is about the Shock Doctrine shortly after it was released. It is easily the most powerful book I have ever read. It will really start to open your eyes to the true actions the federal government takes in the name of freedom. Of Democracy. Of Liberty. Shocking.

This next Clip is of a man named John Perkins. I won't tell you too much about him, I will let him do that himself. Quite an amazing man. This is an interview from Democracy Now and is broken into 2 parts. Not sure what else to say here other than this is a good set-up for our last video. After this John Perkins interview, you will begin to see the framework of the prison that we have built for ourselves.

Naomi Wolf - The End of America. This will have a gigantic emotional pull on you. Just warning you now...but there is also a reason I saved it for last. This might be the most important video on the list.

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